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About Us

KC Farm occupies 50 acres of peaceful rolling countryside in New York State's Great Western Catskill Mountains.  Prior to our purchase, it had been part of a 4 generation dairy farm, beefalo ranch, greenhouse business, and TV installation & repair shop.  These were run by different members of the Reed family for whom our street address is named.


While we made a few additions like the grape arbor, compost bin, and now ka cho fu getsu onsen, we’ve maintained a philosophy of respect and honor for the history of the property and its previous owners.  And though no longer a working dairy farm, we’ll always think of it as such. We love the 150+ year old 2-family farmhouse and have strived to preserve its original character while upgrading systems to modern needs.  We’ve also been working to maintain and renovate the historic barn, sap house, greenhouse, and other “out buildings” on the property.


We’ve owned KC Farm since 1997 and are always learning new things about what nature and the Reed family has given us. We feel such a strong connection to the property we decided to name it for ourselves: Kouichi (Sonny) & Claire!

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